Identity Cloud Planned Maintenance
Scheduled Maintenance Report for Akamai Identity Cloud
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Posted Nov 12, 2020 - 20:00 UTC
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Nov 12, 2020 - 17:00 UTC
Identity Cloud Planned Maintenance

The Akamai Identity Cloud (AIC) service will undergo a maintenance update on 12 NOVEMBER 2020 starting at 17:00 UTC. It will complete in about 3 hours sequentially across all global data centers.

The service will remain operational during this period with no disruptions expected for any AIC service.

The AIC platform release for November 12th will be a global release consisting of all regions.
There is no downtime anticipated or planned for this release.
There are no functional changes that require customer action or awareness.

Description of changes

1) Hosted Login Service

The Hosted Login service will undergo several bug fixes as part of this release:
- Fixed an issue where the OIDC client is intermittently returning a HTTP 502 error.
- Fixed an issue in the v2 CSS for IE11 (remove element that couldn’t be rendered).
- In authorization_rules, the enforce_auth_ttl rule now triggers if there is no auth time set.
- Prevent the checking of auth rules for certain flows such as during email verification.
- Added an additional gate for OIDC Hybrid Flows based on JWK Key format so that older format keys do not cause errors if OIDC Hybrid Flows is enabled.

The Hosted Login service will undergo several infrastructure changes as part of this release:
- Updated label monitoring stack metrics to remove old deprecated errors; Remove notification for cache turned off during unit tests.
- The trace-id is now included in the response header and browser console log to help troubleshooting and track requests through the platform.

2) Registration Service

The Registration Service will undergo several bug fixes as part of this release:
- Added an event for email verification which was left out when new events were added in 2019.
- Added safeguards for unbounded large integers in the registration service.

3) Configuration Service (CAPI)

The Configuration Service will undergo several bug fixes as part of this release:
- Fix the SIEM event publishing from CAPI to ensure that all events were being successfully delivered.
- Fixed the 2faMessages endpoint to return an error (404) when 2faMessages have not been added to the flow.

The Authentication Middleware will undergo several bug fixes as part of this release:
- Added a new endpoint to Hosted Login to support v1.0 to v2.0 migration.

No impact to service is anticipated during this change. However, if you experience a service issue during or shortly after this planned change please contact AkaTec at the numbers listed here.
Posted Nov 10, 2020 - 03:00 UTC